
Wednesday, June 24, 2020

What I'm doing lately

Someone shared something on Twitter recently that basically said, "We must not ever invent time travel, because if we did we'd have time travelers here trying to warn us about the mess that is 2020." And then someone replied that maybe the time travelers already came back and fixed things, which would mean that this timeline is actually the improved version. Both of those comments simultaneously made me laugh and cringe with fear. My current WIP is a time travel book, and one of the tenets of time travel in the book is that you can't mess with the past because the created paradoxes render it impossible to do so. But even my time travelers warn the people in the past to stock up on toilet paper in January 2020!


Something exciting that I'm currently working on is the 14th Annual Whitney Awards. I was on the committee last year, which I loved, even though our gala in May had to go virtual. I was asked to serve as the committee president this year, which is keeping me busy. But busy about books, and busy working with my awesome committee is a type of busy I love.

I mentioned in my last post that I was hoping to finish the first draft of my time travel WIP for April's Camp NaNoWriMo, and I'm happy to say that I accomplished that goal. Now I'm using all the awesome things I learned during this year's virtual Storymakers conference to finish the second draft during July's session of Camp NaNo. Hold me accountable!

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