
Thursday, April 5, 2018

New book!

I am so excited tonight, because I finally finished the first draft of a new book! I've been working on this book since last June, with a three month break to do revisions for RESET. It feels amazing to make progress on something new!

My first drafts are usually horribly messy. This book is no different. It's not ready for anyone else to see yet. Lucky for me, I love editing much more than drafting, so getting a version of this story that's ready for others to read shouldn't take too long.

The new project is called GHOST GIRLS (for now, at least), and is about three girls that team up together to solve what appears to be a haunting in their town. And at least for today, I'm totally in love with it.

All the thanks go to the #AHundredOrDie crew on Twitter, without whom I might not have pushed through to finish. They kept me going, a hundred words at a time. Special thanks go to my husband, Ryan, who took over all the household duties I usually do tonight so I could go to his office and write the last two scenes without being interrupted. I sorely needed it!

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